A Journey Through Poses
Join me as we journey through a series of yoga poses using the Feldenkrais Method™ to guide the learning and exploration.
Clarify the Self Image
The Self Image is the core from which we move, act, think and even feel. It is our somatic basis. Learn how to develop your self mage.
Your Best Breath
A student once inquired, “Why focus on improving breathing?”
I outlined three compelling ways in which refining your breathing can lead to both immediate and lasting improvements in your overall health:
What is Correct Breathing?
What is correct breathing? The answer is as elusive as ‘What is clever or good talking?’ Our breathing apparatus is a thing to enable us to get enough oxygen; and get enough CO2 or carbon dioxide out of the body…
Discover the Magic of Feldenkrais®: Unleash Your Potential Through Awareness
Are you ready to embark on a journey that will not only liberate your body but also ignite your mind? Brace yourself for the transformative power of Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement®.
Feed your brain by making distinctions
Learn how the Feldenkrais Method® feeds your brain.
Common Foot Problems and the Feldenkrais Method®
Feldenkrais® sessions can help a great deal. We have many lessons that you can follow to help the toes straighten and be able to be a functional part of your walking and running. Private sessions (called Functional Integration) may be the first step for you and the Feldenkrais practitioner to develop a learning plan that best fits for you.
Happy Toes
Foot discomfort limits many of our daily activities and also those that bring meaning to our lives.
Often a source of discomfort is our toes, but few of us are aware of the special connection the toes have to foot discomfort.
The Grammar of Learning
I was talking with my friend Reg about the difference between words from Britain and words in Canada or United States; one word in particular stuck out was “pudding”. Reg said that in England, “pudding” was all kinds of desserts: he listed off desserts like rice pudding, treacle sponge pudding or Christmas pudding; he said […]
A Short Lesson for you…
Here is a fairly short (20-minute) lesson you can do on the floor or your bed, learning how you can roll from your back to your side. Are you new to Feldenkrais lessons? Read how to benefit from the lessons. Learn more about how the Feldenkrais Method enhances, or feeds your brain. Underpinning all the […]
Your Sleep Cycle
Do you wake up during the night and struggle to get back to sleep?
Do you have difficulty going to sleep?
Do you have difficulty waking up?
Before you try a lot of techniques, devices and medications for your sleep, maybe you first need to track your personal sleep cycle over a week or two.
Mini-Break at your Computer
Feeling stiff? Here’s something you can explore while sitting at your computer.….. We tend to make our movements fast and jerky, which actually increases our stress. Thus the first step is to interrupt this habit. The Shoulder Clock Lesson Text of the lesson: For this lesson, sit comfortably at the front of the chair, with […]